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Emma Bergkvist

los angeles, ca

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$100 for 1 Hour(s)

Personal Trainer

$80 for 1 Hour(s)


$100 for 1 Hour(s)

About Me

passionate about music and fashion DJ BERQI moved to Los Angeles, CA from Sweden to pursue her dream of DJing because she realized the difference she can make in an individuals life. The good energy and cheerfulness that music brings to a person, for even a moment of their life gives DJ BERQI the satisfaction that someone’s day can go from bad to good with a flip of a switch. Growing up in Sweden EDM and house music played a prominent role with numerous names to look up too, but DJ BERQI stands apart. Her love for hip hop & RnB makes her a female dj with a goal to be unique and bring you music unlike you’ve ever heard before.


3650 barham blvd
los angeles, ca 90068
united states

Times Available

0AM - 0AM

Days Available








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